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How To Wear Jewelry To Compliment Your Look In 2021?

jewelry styling tips

how to wear jewelry with clothes
  • How To Wear Jewelry To Compliment Your Look And Your Personality?

So a lot of people get confused when it comes to accessorizing themselves and selecting the perfect accessories that match their outfits!

They are not sure what jewelry will compliment them and their wardrobe. So let’s answer the most commonly asked questions.

  • How do you mix and match your jewelry?

The answers aren’t always straightforward or obvious but do not worry We have listed some top jewelry styling tips to help you dress your best and feel like a fashionista.

  • Does any of this sound familiar to you?

You have got a box full of jewelry which at times overflows as well. Of course, this box is filled with the piece which has sentimental value, pieces you love or even with the piece you have forgotten they exist.

But they are just stored in this box of magic, and you are not making the most of it because you are quite unsure from where to start?

Or maybe you are not sure which pieces will work with your work outfit and which pieces would work with your night out with your bae.

diamond bangles


Also, you do not know what pieces will work well with other accessories, so you end up not wearing anything.

Well, do not be sad about this!

  • How do you make use of your Jewellery collection without being repetitive and boring?

We have all been there….

The good news is that we have put together a bunch of jewelry styles and some fashion tricks and tips to help you understand fine fashion and guide you in wearing jewelry that compliments your personality, sense of style, occasion, and wardrobe.

As you know It is said When in doubt always over-accessorize!!! So it is always a good idea to incorporate accessories in your daily styling.

  • Create layers of your accessories, be it Ring, Necklace or Bracelets

Wearing jewelry is all about having fun and experimenting with different pieces, contrasting lengths, textures, shapes, and colors to make your overall outfit look more appealing and you can now decide how to wear jewelry to compliment your look.

You can create layers with rings, bracelets, bangles necklaces, and in some uniques cases earrings. 

If you are layering necklaces, then always go to different lengths to make the attention upwards towards your face.

This will also make you look taller. You can always experiment with different shapes, sizes, and colors. They are visually very appealing.

Best necklaces on Amazon


For Bracelets and bangles I would suggest always layer them up, this will help jazz up your hands.

By layering up you will be creating a bangle or a bracelet party on your arms and if you layer them with different color combinations and textures it will look mind-blowing. 

If you are not a big fan of too much color, you can just play around with metallic gold and bronze or rose gold. The bracelets will jangle and flash this way as you move throughout the day.

You could also pair your bracelet with your watch on the same hand and keep another hand bare. This will create emphasis.

bracelets for women


Rings come in all shapes sizes and are used to wear on all fingers. Nowadays you get rings to wear on the upper half of your fingers as well. These rings are called midi rings.

They can be mixed and matched and stacked together in all sorts of interesting combinations

Just remember to wear one metal color while stacking up rings of different sizes and shapes together. 

 For example: If you planning to stack up rings on your finger then make sure all of them are gold in color or all of them are silver or rose gold. Mixing metal colors is something that is not very advisable.

unique engagement rings


You can experiment with wearing multiple earrings styles If you have more than one ear piercing. Make sure your earrings are coordinated.

Even if you do not have multiple ear piercing do not worry we get a lot of clip-on You can combine wearing fancy ear cuffs with other earrings.

One might think, but how will we know if the jewelry we stacked looks nice… 

It's pretty easy that way. Gather together a collection of your accessories of different sizes and length, texture and color and try them on in different combinations standing in front of the mirror and see what work on the best.

Make a note of these combinations or click a picture and it will make it simpler for you later. You can repeat the same process with bracelets and bangles.

  • Always know when to stop!!

I know it is said when in doubt always overdress than underdress. But well sometimes too much is too much.

 Do not go overboard with your accessorizing by wearing layers of rings, bracelets, necklaces all at once.

If you are wearing layers of necklace and drawing attention to your neckline and face, then there is no need to wear big chunky earrings and there is no need to even stack up against your bracelets.

This will divide the attention between the neckline and arm, which will not work well. However, you can wear a few rings to complete your look.

Long Earrings for Girls


If you wearing an arm full of bracelets do not wear layers of necklace, instead, you could wear some nice chunky long earrings and keep your neck bare and show off those collar bones. You could add some bracelets to your hands as well. 

Although on the other hand a bold pair of earrings with a matching necklace can work in your favor and make you look stunning.

If you are all ready to go and you feel you have over accessorized then take a page out of Coco Chanel’s book “before you leave the house, Look in the mirror and remove one piece of jewelry”

I hope you have a better idea about How To Wear Jewelry To Compliment Your Look In 2021?

  • Pick your earrings carefully

Do not be negligent about your earrings. After all, they are in the field of vision for anyone when they look at you or are having a conversation with you.

Always chose earrings to frame your face and compliment your eyes and skin tone and hair.

If you have long hair I would suggest you pick up metal finished earrings which are more likely to be visible through your hair.

Cute Earrings for Girls


Do not wear the same pair of earrings for days and weeks together, Mix it up a little. A lot of us are guilty of this. We wear a pair of earrings and forget about it. But remember to keep changing your earrings according to the outfit.

You can make small and subtle changes to your earrings by wearing simple danglers or small studs every day. Dangles adds to the movement and sparkle and jazz up the whole look.

A good place to start is digging through your jewelry collection to find what you haven’t worn in a while. You can also purchase new pairs of earrings which catch your attention and will add some variety and interest to your jewelry collection.

  • Decide what you want to focus on

This is another decision you guys need to make while playing dress-up, what do you want people's focus to be on your outfits or your jewelry?

If you want to focus on the jewelry please do wear chunky jewelry paired with simple outfits.

A simple almost dull outfit can be transformed due to pairing it with the right kind of accessories. Statement jewelry has been used forever to make simple outfits look fabulous.

Stud Earrings for girls


If you are looking to attract attention to your clothes then wear simple danglers and minimalistic jewelers to focus on your clothes.

You should always wear small subtle jewelry when you are wearing bold prints and colors so that the emphasis does not shift from your bold apparel.

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Lastly, I would like to tell you to be confident in what you are wearing, because it is your choice and you can rock whatever you choose to wear and after reading the blog you will get a clear idea about How To Wear Jewelry To Compliment Your Look In 2021?

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