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Detoxifying Your Hair In 2021

Detoxifying Your Hair

  • Many of you’ll might wonder what a hair detox is. Well hair detox is, getting rid of all the chemical and product built up from your hair, while using natural ingredients and homemade shampoos.
  • When we feel bloated and heavy, we think of going on a detox mode, because we feel our body stomach and intestine needs some rest. We decide to either go on a green juice cleanse or consciously make efforts to avoid junk and eat healthy.
  • In the same manner our hair also gets tired of all the pollution, products chemicals and treatments we do on them. Hence a hair detox is a must.

Ever wondered why you should detoxify your hair as well?

  • We use ample amount of creams, conditioners, styling gels, straighteners, curlers and sprays in our hair.
  • Did you know because such a heavy usage of products there is a chemical build up on the outer layer of our hair and scalp and a normal shampoo does not wash this away?
  • A hair detox is just the thing your hair needs to get a fresh start and not does it help remove the grime dirt and dust from the hair follicles but also get rid of the product build up your haircare products leave behind.
  • If this gunk is not removed on a regular basis, it can keep your hair from receiving the necessary benefits even from the healthiest and sound hair care routine.
  • A detox helps your hair to breathe and makes it more susceptible to other hair care routine. It helps your hair get a fresh start. Even shampoos and conditioners that we use are bound to leave some residue in our hair.
  • Although detoxifying your hair completely might take some time, but will start feeling the difference from the session itself.
  • I have put together a few homemade detoxifying recipes which will help get rid of the built up and toxins and give you shinny hair.

Baking soda detox

You will need:

  • 3 cups hot water
  • 1 table spoon baking Soda


  • Mix the baking soda with hot water and keep it aside. Now rinse your hair with water until they are dripping wet. Pour the mixture of baking soda into your hair slowly while massaging your scalp. Finish poring the entire mixture and then massage your hair for about 10 minutes.
  • The warm water will open up your cuticles allowing some deep cleaning action. Baking soda removes the oil build up in your hair, removes and fights dandruff and even puts and end to any kind of product build up in your hair and scalp.
  • Rinse off the baking powder mixture after 10 minutes of massaging your scalp and then condition your hair normally to seal the detox. You can also use organic raw honey to condition your hair.

You can use this baking soda detox once in 15 days.

Cucumber and Lemon Detox


 You will need:

  • 1 Large Lemon
  • 1 Cucumber
  • Essential Oils / Vitamin – E oil. (Optional)


  • Peel the lemon and cucumber and chop them into pieces. Add these piece into a blender with the choice of your essential oil or vitamin – E oil.
  • Blend the ingredients until a smooth paste, make sure there are no lumps are they will be caught up in your hair.
  • The citric acid in lemon get rids of all the dirt and grease from your scalp and cleans it gently, while the cucumber soothes it.
  • This is a perfect detox for people with oily scalps as this mixture get rids of excess oils, dandruff, and product build up and promotes healthy hair growth as well.
  • You can use this mixture as often as you would use your regular shampoo.

 Bentonite Clay and Aloe Vera Detox

You will need:

  • ½ cup Bentonite Clay
  • 4 tablespoon apple cider Vinegar
  • ½ cup pure Aloe Vera pulp (I suggest grow an aloe vera plant in your backyard and cut a stem and remove the pulp when required)
  • 1 cup Apple cider vinegar (yes we need two portions of apple cider vinegar)


  • Mix the AVC aloe vera pulp and bentonite clay until you get a smooth pulp. Apply this mixture to your scalp and hair. Wear a shower cap and make sure the mixture is not drying up.
  • If it starts to dry up, take a spray bottle add some Aloe Vera gel dilute it with some water and spray on your scalp. Let the mixture be in your hair for the 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with a cup of AVC mixed with 1 cup of water. Wait for about 10 minutes and then normally shampoo and condition your hair.
  • The clay helps draw out the toxin and mineral built up in your hair, with its strong negative electromagnetic charge. The aloe gel has antioxidants as well as nourishing properties that keeps your hair healthy and shinny.
  • Use this treatment once in 15 days to detoxify your hair, in case you want to use it more often please avoid the apple cider vinegar to rinse your hair.

Cinnamon Detox

You will need:

  • 1 tea spoon baking soda
  • ½ tea spoon cinnamon powder
  • 2 table spoon Olive oil.
  • 1 tea spoon Honey


  • Mix all the ingredients well until you get a smooth consistency. Divide your hair into 8-10 partitions and massage this mixture into your scalp and then work it down into your hair as well. Leave it for 45 minutes and rinse your hair with normal shampoo and conditioner.
  • This mixture helps in pulling out dirt and grime from your hair while preventing hair damage due to its high anti-oxidant contents.
  • Use this detox mask once a week for best results.

Coconut Milk and Aloe Vera Shampoo

You will need:

  • 2 cups Pure Aloe Vera gel /Pulp
  • 1 can / 250ml coconut milk
  • Essential Oil / Vitamin E oil


  • Whisk all the above ingredients until it becomes a smooth paste. Pour this mixture in an ice cube tray and freeze it into cubes. Remove one or two cubes out of this one night before washing your hair and keep it in the refrigerator.
  • The next morning wash your hair and scalp with this mixture life you would use a regular shampoo. This mixture will help maintain the Ph. levels of your scalp and help get rid of dirt and grim without using harmful chemicals.
  • You can use this shampoo once a week to keep your hair toxin free and clean. Try using fresh coconut milk instead of a store bought can.
  • Take one coconut and roughly chop it into pieces. Put it in a blender, add 3 table spoon of water and blend until you get a smooth paste.
  • You will have to blend for 10 minutes to achieve this smooth paste. Remove this paste in a muslin cloth and squeeze out the milk from it.
  • And your homemade fresh coco nut milk is ready.


You will need:

  • 2 table spoon shikakai powder
  • Distilled or filtered water


  • Pour enough water to the shikakai powder to make a watery mixture. Make your hair wet and slowly massage this mixture into your scalp and then work it down into your hair. This mixture might be a little frothy. Massage for 5 minutes with this paste and wash it off with cold water.
  • Shikakai contains natural saponins (soap like quality) that will help clean your scalp and hair.  It is also rich in vitamins A D C E and K which makes Shikakai a highly nourishing ingredient for your hair.
  • You can use this mixture as often as you would use your regular shampoo.

Coconut Milk Shampoo (highly recommended)

You will need:

  • ¼ cup Coconut milk
  • 1/3 cup castile soap
  • 3 capsule Vitamin – E oil
  • 20 drops of fragment essential oil


  • Mix the ingredients properly and pour it in a shampoo or a pump bottle, Store this bottle in the refrigerator. Every time you want to shampoo your hair use this mixture, mainly concentrate on the scalp and slowly massage this mixture in.
  • This mixture contains very high levels of antioxidants and proteins. The castile soap is an effective cleanser which helps remove the product built up. If you switch from your regular shampoo to this natural one, it will help transform your hair in a matter of weeks.
  • You can replace your regular shampoo and use this one as often as you like

Honey Shampoo

You will need:

  • 1 ½ Table spoon organic raw honey
  • 4 Table spoon filtered water
  • 1 capsule Vitamin – E oil
  • Essential Oil (optional)


  • Mix all the ingredients together and mix well until everything is well combined. Make your hair wet and pour this mixture in your scalp slowly while massaging it. Concentrate massaging on your scalp and slowly work your way down towards the ends.
  • After massaging this mixture in your hair for about 10 minutes you can wash it off with cold water. You can also wash your hair with apple cider vinegar mixture after the honey shampoo rinse.
  • Honey acts as a humectant and retains moisture and keeps your hair moisturized and soft.
  • After repetitive use of the honey shampoo you will notice visible difference in your hair and find that your hair is healing it self and is in a better condition due to all the chemical you are avoiding.
  • Believe me once you start using this shampoo you will never want to go back the store bought shampoos.
  • Use this shampoo every time your hair needs a rinse.
  • Like I have told you in my earlier posts as well, these work beautifully on your hair externally but you also need to have a healthy diet to make your hair stronger and thicker internally.
Food that helps you detox your hair
  • The most important thing that you need to consume to keep your hair healthy is proteins and water. Keeping your self hydrated constantly and eating lean proteins like egg will ensure that your hair is less prone to damage and grows evenly and healthy.
  • Using natural chemical free shampoos will help your hair have a fresh start and can go a long way in maintaining healthy hair, and if you have a healthy diet and incorporate eggs or tofu in your daily diet along with using these natural shampoos the results will be outstanding and can make you feel confident and amazing.

!! Read More About Best Homemade Hair Oils !!

  • Do you or your family have any other homemade shampoo recipe? Let us know in the comments below.


1 comment

Hello, I can clearly get an idea of and importance of detoxifying hair. Going to try this for sure and keep suggesting many more tips like this. Hope in the future you will come back with a skincare routine also.


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