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Beauty tips for Holi

Online Holi Beauty Tips

Holi is just around the corner and till now in my previous blogs I have told you about the history of Holi how to enjoy and celebrate this festival of colors and the place to visit in India for Holi.

Even though it is a lot of fun playing Holi, it can take some serious toll on our skin, all thanks to the harsh chemicals used in the colors now a days. I know some of you might say we only use organic colors and organic colors will not hurt our skin but you still need to protect your skin from sun damaged as you will be out in the sun for at least 4-5 hours and of course you also need to prep the skin so that all the color comes off easily when you go for a shower at the end of the celebrations.

So like me if you waiting for this beautiful festival of colors but are still worried, what the prolonged exposure of the skin to the sun will do, and how much will it damage and tan your skin do check out this blog.

Mentioned below is a list of how to take care and prep your skin before Holi.

What you should apply on your Face before you leave for Holi?

Be Holi Ready Celebrate Holi at Work

Since your face will be exposed to Sun, Dirt, Dust, Heat etc. It is extremely important to protect it beforehand. To add a layer of protection wash your face then apply a light moisturizer and leave it for 10 minutes.

Let your skin soak in the moisturizer then apply a sunblock with Spf 30 and above. Don’t apply a sunblock which has Spf 50 unless you know it suits you perfectly or you risk a chance of damaging your skin. If you want you can put two layers of sun block as well, keeping a gap of 10 minutes in applying them.

Please do the moisturizing and sun block process at least 30 minutes before you leave the house. And right before you leave take a few drops of olive or coconut oil and dab it on your face.

You can do this whole process on all the parts of your body that are exposed to the sun, dust, dirt or are not covered with clothes.

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Moisturize all the way.

I am sure you will not be showing before going for Holi, and why would you… you are anyways going to get extremely dirty, but I highly suggest please make sure you do you post shower skin care routine before you go for Holi. Before stepping out of the house slather your body with a rich creamy moisturizer. Then massage each part where the moisturizer has been applied for 2 minutes so that it is all soaked in to your skin

The oil or the moisturizer will act as a barrier between the colors and your skin and of course it will make it easier for the colors to come out as well.

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Wear full clothes.

Holi is mostly an outdoor activity and a fun one at that. Make sure the clothes you choose for Holi are relatively old and cover maximum part of your body. Opt for full sleeves t-shit or a kurta or a top combined with full length trousers or denims or even joggers will work perfectly.

Wearing full clothes will not just protect you from sun damage but will also protect you from chemical and color damage. Ideally where dark colored clothes, this will definitely ensure the colors do not pass through the fabric and still come on your skin easily when mixed with water.

However if you want some glamorous pictures for your social media accounts, then wear shorts and a strappy top and follow the other tips mentioned in this blog.

Cotton clothing is the way to go.

Try opting for comfortable clothing that are made up of breathable fabric like cotton which let the air pass by. Tight clothes made in synthetic fabrics might lead to rashes and allergic reaction when they will come in contact with chemical colors.

I know you guys might be thinking but they dry quickly so we rather wear that but, it is better to opt for breathable natural fabrics that help your skin breathe, like cotton

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Prep your Nails

If you neglect your nails your going have a tough time cleaning them the next day and believe me you the Holi colors settle in your nail cuticles and then even enter you digestive system when you eat something in the post Holi days.

Save yourself from in taking chemicals and your nails from getting damaged by keep the nails short and filled and apply a dark nail polish before you step out to play.

Rub a little olive oil on your hands and nails before you leave and let it get absorbed din your skin. This oil will act like a shield between the nails and the colors and not let them stain easily.

Remove the polish after Holi and apply a fresh coat. This will help you remove all the stuck color as well.

Do not forget to cut your nails before Holi, as this will ensure no color settles in your nails and gets ingested in your digestive system.


Keep yourself Hydrated

While you having fun playing Holi, remember you are constantly in the sun and you need to keep yourself hydrated with water, glucose, juice etc. whatever is available close to you.

If you feel low on energy keep a glucose tablet in your mouth, it will instantly boost your energy. Also dehydrated skin can get sunburnt easily. And dehydrated skin combined with chemicals and colors can make your skin appear life less, pale and dull after Holi, which obviously no one wants.

If you plan on drinking alcohol, do not forget to alternate your glass with a glass of water to keep yourself hydrated.

Apply vaseline lips undernails behind ears @TheRoyaleIndia

Do not forget your Ears, Lips and eyes.

Do not forget to moisturize these areas as well as colors tend to settle on ear lobes or at the back of an ear or in the lip cracks or below the eyes. Also because we cannot rub rigorously around these areas it becomes very difficult for the color to come out.

Coat these areas with petroleum jelly to keep them moisturized and smooth and also to prevent colors from entering and settling in. Be careful while applying the jelly on your eye lids and under your eyes, make sure it does not enter the eyes or else it might burn.

10 Reasons to See a Dermatologist

Consult your Dermatologist

If you are already going to your skin specialist, for some skin condition that you already have and you are currently getting treated for the same, it is best to consult your doctor before stepping out to play Holi.

They will be the best people to guide you the kind of precautions you need to take, or weather you should play Holi at all.

It is better to be safe and well prepared rather doing damage repair later especially because it your skin that is going to be highly exposed to all the chemicals and colors.

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How to remove colors Post-Holi

If the colors used are harsh and are not chemical free, it can be a little difficult to come off especially from your face, as we cannot scrub our face too rigorously as we run a risk of getting rashes.

Take some regular cleanser in your hand, and apply and massage gently on your face rinse it off with cold or Luke warm water. After this dip a cotton ball in coconut oil and gently start removing the color in upward direction. Once the excess color has come off take 4-5 drop of coconut oil and then massage your face with it, Take a foaming face wash and rinse it off with it. This should help you in getting rid of all the color from your face.

You can follow the same process for other body parts as well if you like.

If the colors on the other parts of your body are harsher you can use a body scrub to get the colors out.

Post Holi Skin-Care Rituals | Holi Skin Tips | HashTag

Skin care Post Holi.

Even though our body self heals itself after playing Holi your skin will definitely need some extra pampering even though you follow the above step of Pre-Holi skin care.

Best face mask materials: Where to buy fabric and material to make homemade  masks

DIY mask to the rescue

Homemade face mask are a brilliant way to heal your skin and soothe it from all the chemicals. These mask will also help you to get rid of colors to some extent.  

Brighten Your Skin with a Natural Gram Flour Facial Mask - Bellatory -  Fashion and Beauty

Mask – 1

2 spoon of curd, 2 spoon of Gram flour, 1 spoon milk, and 1 spoon coconut oil

Mix all the ingredients properly and apply it on your face and hands and legs and sit in the bathroom for 10 minutes until it becomes semi dry. Gently scrub off this mask from your skin. And wash off with cold water.

Honey and Lemon Mask - DIY Organic Mask Recipe to Try Today - LiveGlam

Mask -2

Two spoon honey, 1 spoon lemon juice 3 drop Vitamin – e oil

Mix all the ingredients well and apply it on all the color affected part of your body and sit for 15 minutes or until you feel this mixture drying up on your skin.

Lemon and honey together will help and remove impurities and has anti bacterial properties as well.

Natural Skin Care Online

Mask - 3

Papaya and olive Oil

Take 15-20 piece of ripe Papaya and mash it in a bowl, add one spoon of olive oil to it. Mix it properly and apply this paste to your face and hands.

Let it rest for 15- 20 minutes or until the Papaya starts drying up. Papaya has de-tanning and anti-inflammatory properties and will heal your skin from any sun damage

You skin will definitely feel moisturized after this pack.

Rub Ice after the whole skin care routine.

Ice will soothe your skin instantly and frankly it is a must since you risk chance of getting sun burnt from prolonged exposure in the sun.

Ice cubes will shrink your poser and provide relief from heat as well making your skin smooth. You can also add some cucumber pulp to these ice cube while freezing for the additional cooling effect.


1 comment

Hieeee buddy, among the rest of the festivals Holi, is my most favorite festival. I just love to play holi with my family and friends. But you guys don’t have an idea, how much your article is helpful for Me. Because as I love to play holi but after playing holi my skin gets dry and rashes occur on my skin. So this holi I’m going to follow these tips for my skin.


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